Thursday 10 November 2016

Your Perception = Your World

A true warrior isn't just honest with others, they are honest with themselves.
They are always striving to see the truth, even if it's undesirable, inconvenient or against some preconceived ideas.
Your thoughts have power, everything starts with your thoughts.

Your brain takes in outside information with the senses (sight, sound, smell etc.), but it's your thoughts that make sense of that information.

Your thoughts are what help you understand the world around you, they put things in the right context and allow you to see the truth of things.

Your thoughts can also deceive you, if you let them.

People tend to think that the odd thought here or there about random things makes no difference to anything. 
They couldn't be more wrong. Every thought colours your opinion or attitude regarding that thing you're thinking about.

This means, the type of thoughts you think, determines the world you perceive around you.

As Buddha said "With your thoughts, you create your world."

Realise this and (to a certain extent) you will gain an element if control over your own world.

You have the ability to stop being a 'victim' and take control of your existence.

It's amazing how things change just by changing how/what you think about them. This changes your perception about it and therefore changes how you react to it.

When you react differently, the people and things will around you will also react differently... All because of your thoughts!

Be positive with your thoughts and it will cause a chain reaction leading to a positive world around you.

Be negative with your thoughts and it will cause a chain reaction leading to a negative world around you.

What type of world do you want to live in?

Comment below to share any thoughts or opinions you might have.  :)

Thanks for reading.


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