Thursday, 6 October 2016

Apparent Contradictions

Sometimes Budoka are frustrated, even confused, by the journey. 
There seems to be contradictions in their learning and training:

Sharp with snap... but flowing.

Be mindful... but seeking Mushin (no mind).

Powerful... but relaxed.

Blindingly fast... but slow and controlled.

Analyse... but don't over-think.

Expend less energy... but move and execute with everything you've got.

Don't exaggerate moves... but don't shortcut techniques.

Aim to always perfect... but be patient, understand it won't be perfect right now.

Be strong like a rock... but be like water.

Train more... but don't over train yourself.

Do what Sensei said... but don't just blindly follow.

Eliminate extra moves... but use your whole body.

In fact, these aren't contradictions. They are opposite sides of the same coin.
Each of the above need their opposites.

Why is it an art form and not just an activity (like sport, competition or form of exercise)?
Why does it take decades of dedication to master?
It’s more complex than you might think and takes a lot to master!

It's about finding balance between opposing forces or concepts.

Comment below to share any thoughts or opinions you might have.  :)

Thanks for reading.


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