Thursday, 26 January 2017

10 Thoughts on Budo

It's very important in martial arts that you be thinking for yourself, analysing and seek understanding. Never just blindly do as Sensei said. The attitude of "Sensei is always right" is insulting and condescending.

Anyhoo, sometimes when thinking and analysing you'll have the odd interesting thought regarding some aspect of the art form.
If an interesting thought occurs to you, don't rely on your memory, write it down.

I have been doing this for some time now. Here is another collection of interesting thoughts I figured I'd share:
(The first post I did sharing random thoughts can be found here)

When you know you should train more
It is amazing what we are able to do when it is necessary, when we don’t have a choice.
So train like it’s necessary, act like there’s no choice.

When things are difficult
It’s not about the amount of effort you put in, but where you apply that effort.
Some things only require little effort, but people make it difficult for themselves by putting lots of effort in the wrong place. They then get upset or frustrated when it's too difficult. With some things, it's only difficult because we subconsciously make it that way.

Be the real thing
When you are tough, you don’t need to act tough.
When you are strong, you don’t need to act strong.
When you are confident, you don’t need to act confident.
Don’t act, just be.

As Obi Wan said...
Everything depends on the point of view and relativity.
Water is both yin to rock AND yang to fire. ☯
Very few things are absolute, yet many things seem to appear so.

What does a true warrior fight against?
The real enemy is your own ego.

Your attitude about you
Having the correct attitude regarding your own ability is important.
You can’t be too arrogant as this will hinder your ability to see areas of needed improvement. You do need to be confident in your skill, enough to know you could defend yourself effectively if need be. Being negative about your progress is also going to hinder future possible progress. So you can neither be too negative or too over-confident. I have found that the best attitude is to consider yourself to be on the boarder of average and good. Knowing you’re skillful enough to use it, if need be, but also knowing there is always plenty of room for improvement. Think of yourself as slightly above average.
This attitude is constant, regardless of your actual skill level.

I need not your encouragement or criticism.
I can provide both encouragement and criticism for myself. I'm capable of doing this through self-knowledge & self-honesty.

True Budoka
If you want to be able to call yourself a true Budoka, you must seek to follow all aspects of the way. You can’t just pick and choose things that are ‘easier’ or ‘more interesting’.

Budo Mountaineering
You should always endeavour to climb the mountain of knowledge & understanding.
Just because you are near the top doesn’t mean that it’s the only peak and certainly not the end of the journey. Never fall into the trap of thinking you 'know it all' or 'know enough'.
There are always higher peaks and more to learn.

Is what you're doing working?
You may 'do training'  but if you simply go through the motions of the techniques, you can train as much as you like, you will wonder why it is not getting you anywhere.
To be progressing it takes more than just doing techniques, you must put effort into improving them, making them faster, stronger and more accurate and precise. This is something you must do yourself, the instructor can tell or show you how, but if you want to be the best you can be, you have to be putting the correct effort in.
As Gichin Funakoshi said:
You may train for a long time, but if you merely move your hands and feet and jump up and down like a puppet, learning karate is not very different from learning a dance. You will never have reached the heart of the matter; you will have failed to grasp the quintessence of karate-do.

Comment below to share any thoughts or opinions you might have. J
Thanks for reading.

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